Video accounts for around 65% of all online traffic — and that includes all posts, websites, search terms, cat pictures and more.
In fact, even more promising is that 79% of responders say that a brand’s video has convinced them to buy something online. Companies that use video enjoy 41% more traffic and reach 96% of internet users, who are actively watching explainer videos.
It’s pretty clear the internet is nuts for video content. And the glorious thing about it is that you don’t have to spend heaps of money creating something expensive and flashy. Such a move may even have the opposite effect from users wanting genuine, nonsponsered content that actually answers their need.
And guess what — you’re in a prime industry for that content! As a first aid provider, you teach valuable skills that people are looking for online. Video provides another avenue for you to reach people who prefer to be shown rather than told via an article or other written content. This article you’re reading right now would make a killer video — and we might just do that after we’re done explaining this to you.
But first, let’s get into what you need to know about video.
- There is value in free lessons.
Now, we don’t expect you to give away whole courses online for free, but the advantage of having a YouTube or video presence is that you instantly make yourself more credible. Not only can you reach and help more people, but through short snippets you can build a real rapport with your audience. The more we listen and watch someone the more authority we give them over our decision making process — because we feel more connected to them and are therefore more likely to try them out when it comes to making a purchase decision.
- Keep It Short and Simple (KISS).
Keeping your videos a few minutes long, ideally 1–2, increases the chances that people will watch them. That’s because in anything we do we will do a value trade-off. The more time you require your audience to ‘invest’ upfront before they know you, the less likely they are to make than initial decision to begin.
- Silence is golden.
83% of people are likely watching your video on silent, either because they’re on the move or because they’re scrolling through their feed. Which isn’t to say you should throw out the script entirely, but your idea needs to work well without sound. Make sure to include captions where needed and present your video in a visually appealing way.
- Thumbnails get clicks.
Thumbnails are the little windows, either on social media or on YouTube, that show you a glimpse of the video before you click. The louder, and more interesting, you look the better. You might even include a brief bit of text, such as ‘the 6 steps of CPR’ to prompt your audience to engage.
- Size for the medium.
TikTok is the king of visual content at the moment, so much so that other video marketers and social media platforms are copying their look and feel, including Instagram. Consider vertically aligning your video so that it works in portrait and have it ready to play at the most interesting bit.
You might hear of film directors who begin in the middle, with the action, before they cut to the beginning — the same is true for social media content. If it’s exciting to begin with, it’ll hook audiences in.
- Get novel.
Create a video using Lego. Have the dummy give you CPR. Film it using an underwater filter. There’s no end to how creative you can go, depending on your time and budget.
That said, if you want some quick successes, using an AI video generator can help you craft your script and source stock video online. Pictory.ai is a great resource for automatically generating video content. But, as a first aid trainer, your video could be as simple as pointing the camera at your dynamic person and pressing play.
- Get around online.
Once upon a time Facebook was the new bad boy on the scene. Now it still ranks highly, but younger audiences are turning to platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. YouTube still ranks highly for longform video content, and it’s been going strong since 2006. Similarly, LinkedIn has a solid following amongst B2B (business to business) users.
It’s hard to predict where people will gravitate towards next, which is why you should cover all your bases with a wide social media spread. Right now, we recommend prioritising Instagram with short video content, but be prepared to re-release your video on other platforms too. YouTube is particularly useful, as content stays put for years, gradually gaining more views as time goes by. But you should also consider embedding video into your website, as that can help hold user’s attention more than just plain images or text.
- Include descriptions
Make sure to include brief, catchy descriptions too for all your social medias — they help inform viewers about your topic without giving them too much to read. And turn your best videos into reels — they may be short lived, but people view them more because they’re the freshest, most relevant content you have.
- Make it interactive.
Ask yourself ‘what is the point of this video’? If it’s just to get passive watchers, then continue on posting. But if you’re already creating a following for yourself, and your content, you’ve got a group of people who are willing to engage with you as a trainer.
Always give your audience something to do next, even if it’s just consuming a few more videos. Ideally we want to end with them on your website making a booking, so a ‘next step’ should always be an option, particularly in YouTube where larger captions are allowed, or Instagram where you can direct people to your bio.
- Include numbers.
There’s a reason John Buchan’s The Thirty-Seven Steps is his best remembered work. People resonate with numbers. They break things down into easy, digestible chunks. These chunks give people key takeaway points so, if they forget the content, they remember the headings. Keep it in the top ten if you can, or even five, to be sure of getting more clicks.
So there you have it. Video is an engaging medium that holds the attention of viewers — but that’s also why everyone is doing it right now. To stand out you’ve got to be seen, be interesting and give value back to the viewer. Only then can you turn casual viewing around into potential business.
And hey, here we go with our own plug! You got this far into the article, so why not talk to us further! We have our own white-label first aid training video you can use, for free, with your own branding. Plus, we have social media posting ideas and more. Check us out and see where your marketing strategy could lead you to in 2023 here.
Sites sourced:
- “6 Video Marketing Trends to Know for 2022” on one day video. Date Accessed: 27th March, 2023. Site Link: http://bit.ly/42TyIAa.
- Anwar, Dr. Hura. “Video Accoutns For 65% Of All Internet Traffic, New Study Proves” on Digital Information World. Date Published: 26th January, 2023. Site Link: http://bit.ly/3K7rAJ1.
- Yanev, Victor. “37+ Live Streaming Statistics Marketers Should Know in 2023” on tech jury. Date Published: 13th January, 2023. Site Link: http://bit.ly/3FVptW9.